Sunday, 6 April 2008


Disgraceful to see so many people willing to carry the torch. Oh, they say that the spirit of the Olympics is peace, not politics, but what about the peace of those living in Tibet? What about, surely, the importance of a host government that reflects that spirit of peace and friendship?

At best, pure ignorance.

At worst, pure self-interest, but at least that would demontrate some self-awareness. At least we know that governments and others are too scared to do or say anything that may harm that most important spirit: the spirit of economic co-operation. Self-righteous, self-serving hypocrites!

Still, given the human rights records of, hmm, let me think, the USA, the UK and all the other sheep nations in the war-on-terror collaboration, and Russia, then maybe we'd all better shut up and look closer to home before we start criticising others.

The spirit of the Olympics is national grandstanding and always has been; why should it be any different now? If you wish to try and make your voice heard and protest against China, then please do so, but don't forget there's been plenty going on at home for the last X amount of years to say something about and you haven't; what's different now?

If you're going to, make the Chinese government the rule, not the exception, and try and do what little you can to obstruct and embarass all bastards on their paths, otherwise it just smacks of, take your pick:
  • anti-Chineseism
  • bandwagon jumping
  • cowardice
  • ignorance

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