Saturday, 19 April 2008


Foreigners of course. Anything bad can only ever come from overseas! Fucking hell, is it any wonder that Pythonesque humour came from such a land? And, although the link is to the story as it is featured on Yahoo! news, the story appeared in pretty much the same style in all the newspapers. Newspapers such as the right-on Guardian and Independent, which, yes, I do read by the way. But, would they write in a similar vein about the BO problem being brought in with the latest wave of unwashed immigrants? No, they wouldn’t. Can’t they see that it’s just more of the same scapegoating of all life’s crap? Blame it on Johnny Foreigner and his untreated turds, why not indeed?!

It’s not only shit.

Dirty, disease-ridden, super-stinging, biting bugs that breed in summer’s sun. Hmm, they’re quite nasty, they can’t have bred in England’s green and pleasant land, can they? So where did they come from? Of course, they drifted in from the continent on some wind current or other. My God, praise be that we live where we do. It must be such a cesspool over there. No wonder they all want to come and live here, taking our jobs and claiming our benefits (at the same time – clever bastards!).

We’re so lucky!!!

And they’re so dirty...

Keep England clean.

Keep foreigners and their unwelcome odours away.


It’s all about mental pictures – maintaining the myth – and stories such as these are all part of that tapestry of toss:

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