Saturday, 12 April 2008


Nobody does corruption like the UK.

“Gordon Brown yesterday won Conservative backing for a move that would allow the government to block future criminal investigations such as the corruption case against the [private] arms company BAE Systems.”

When an opposition party supports the government on an issue that is so obviously corrupt and could play as a vote-winner if exploited properly in the media, you know you’re in trouble.

“[UK High Court] judges said: ‘We fear for the reputation of the administration of justice if it can be perverted by a threat.’”

That threat being, of course, continuing to allow our rulers to block investigations into overtly corrupt practices that are often carried out in our names but are always, quite clearly, solely in their interest. That interest being lining their own, slimy, self-righteous pockets, or the pockets of their fellow, self-serving sleazebags.

The judges went on:

“No one, whether within this country or outside, is entitled to interfere with the course of … justice. The rule of law is nothing if it fails to constrain overweening power."

But what course of justice is this ‘overweening power’ perverting? Isn’t this perversion only necessary when the national interest is at stake?

Hmm, maybe…

Like lining the pockets of the despotic and morally bankrupt rulers of, consequently, one of the most financially and morally corrupt states on the planet – Saudi Arabia – in order to sell the country arms to help them(?)/us(?) achieve some Allahforsaken purpose: guess it’ll have something to do with oil, but that’s a right tangly snake that we won’t even try to unravel here.

Like the illegal invasion of Iraq to destroy WMD’s … er … no … er … to oust Saddam? Yeah, that’s it because … well, he was a bastard, wasn’t he?

And there may be a little connection with oil there, too, methinks.

Anything else…

Maybe awarding peerages to anyone willing to stump up enough money to allow Tony to continuing sending his kids to Catholic schools and still have a little change for the collection plate on Sundays. And also maybe to allow him and his dynamic successor to bulldoze through parliament proposals that, in just over five years, contemptuously piss on liberties fought for and gained over centuries.

Lying to people about the risks in joining company pension schemes, indeed, encouraging them to do so. Result: 125,000 people lose their entire investment. Who cares? No-one.

I could go on but that’ll have to suffice for now. I think these examples do enough to highlight that the ‘national interest’ seems more often than not to be connected to private business and lining the pockets of those with a large enough stake in it. Those with such a stake coming from both ends (are there two ends now, or is that just another fucking illusion?) of the political spectrum. The establishment basically. No wonder they’re collaborating with each other on this one.

They’ve been shitting on us from day one, and they’ll continue to shit on us from now until eternity and you know how they’ll get away with it?

  • Immigrants
  • Muslims
  • Communists
  • Catholics
  • Suffragettes
  • Ravers
  • Miners
  • The Chinese
  • Russians
  • New Age Travellers
  • Blacks
  • Union members
  • Hippies
  • Students
  • Single mothers
  • The unemployed
  • The bogeyman

Delete as appropriate.

As long as we keep looking at them - us - or having our heads pointed in their – our – direction, they’ll carry on doing what they’ve always done with this scornful impunity, so you’d better smile and enjoy the ride people as there’s nothing else to do. If you try, you can just add yourself to list above and be seen as a cause rather than a solution, and suffer all the infringements on your civil liberty that that incurs.

But, then again, isn’t that happening anyway?

Quotations taken from:

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