Friday, 18 April 2008


For those who’ve ever woken up feeling a little worse for wear and with a fear over what the blank parts have erased; not to worry:

“[You] were drinking and what doesn't happen when you're drunk?"

Follow link for further details (you could possibly read the rest of the blog before you jump away until next time):

So that's where the true spirit of Christianity lay: at the bottom of a glass of your favourite tipple. [puns on the holy spirit and the like may be inserted here]. No mention of forgiveness. No garnering of that sense of self-superiority at having chosen to take the higher ground; just no hard feelings at all.

Whatever innit.


As Oliver Reed once said to that self-satisfied smug-head, Clive James:

"...the finest people I've ever met were in pubs."

Well, whatever the merits of that actual statement, he definitely wouldn't have met them in a church, where forgiveness feels more like a punishment than an act of charity. Or maybe it is charity cos charity sucks too: something that often feels like it's done more for the sake of the 'giver' than the receiver.

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