Monday 7 April 2008


Why? Cos they know how to do a protest. Flame extinguished three times and the ceremony to welcome it cancelled. That's how you protest. If only the English weren't, generally, so sheep-like and easy to manipulate. Guess that's why so many of them dislike the French - one of the main reasons why anyone dislikes another: jealousy.

Anyway, a quick link to one version of the story:

"So the behaviour of a few separatists would not gain sympathy from people and will cause strong criticism and is doomed to fail."

Nice quote from Wang Hui - spokesman for the Beijing Olympic organising committee. Is he referring to The Peckham Liberation Front in the Republic of London, or The Louvre Independence Party in Le Republique de Paris? Both, I guess. They've both been stirring up a lot of hostility lately and no doubt saw this relay as an ideal opportunity to draw the international community's attention to their perceived plight at the hands of their respective Municipal Mussolinis.

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