Saturday, 13 December 2008


“Love it, love it, love it! How do they get away with it?”

“Who? What?”

“Them. That thing. Ya know.”

“What thing? Jesus.”

“Oh, them government types. Them that some vote for to represent us. Moses.”

“Oh, them k-noots. What have they done now? Abraham.”

“Well, it’s all been one of them big summits in Poznan. Joseph.”

“Been discussing stuff, have they?”

“Yes, Mary. It’s all been about taking action on climate change.”

“Action? And what’s come out if, pray tell, you young Victorian pip-squeak, you?”

“Yeah, well, it’s been all finely balanced and that all week, but it’s all concluded an’ that now, Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad.”

“Conclusions and outcomes, like mushrooms and light-shades.”


“Buddha, Buddha.”

“I saw a little silhouette of a man.”

“And what have they decided to do, Mark, Matthew, Phillip, Luke and Chewbacca?”

“They’ve decided that ‘discussions will enter full negotiating mode’ at the next big summit in Copenhagen next year.”

“Wow, can’t wait to see what they decide then.”

“Yes, you Confucian spoon-bender, it’s knife-edge stuff.”

“So what do you think’ll be the impact of this great decision, Chapter 3, Verse 10?”

“I have no idea, but I can’t stop talking about it.”

“No, me neither. No-one can.”

If you'd like to know what these guys are talking about, click on this:

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