Isn't this one of the most hypocritical governments you have ever seen. By now, I should be able to believe it, but I can't, I really can't."Britain is poised to approve China's application today to become a licensed ivory trader in spite of protests from environmental and animal welfare groups and nearly 150 MPs"
"Ms Ruddock, a highly-respected MP with a strong record on environmental protection, appears to have been given orders from No 10 not to risk upsetting China by opposing the bid"
Not that any other major party would behave any differently under pressure from whatever interest really has a hand on the reigns of power.
But none of us has the strength to make the 'sacrifices' necessary to remove at least our own little society from the dirty, global back-scratching that goes on in the name of economic progress, so why don't we just return to 'three monkey mode'?
The indigestion that results from swallowing the guilt caused by your feigned ignorance is uncomfortable, but return to the 'Daily Mail' and the pain shall soon be eased.
Either that or accept the fact that much of what we accept as normal is rotten, and the only people that can do anything to change anything is US!
But do what?
Quotes above taken from: